
Cutting the cable

Cutting the cable, the cheapskate's guide to Smart TVs and Internet TV, is an innovative eBook has just one purpose – to save you money. It's intended for people who enjoy television, but dislike shelling out $100, $200 or more every month for programs they'll never watch.

This guide uses an eBook format to protect you against obsolescence. Once you buy it, you'll get future updated editions at no extra charge.

It's not an abridged version of a more expensive book. Once you own the book, it's yours and there are advantages for ownership.

Updated editions are available free. Registered owners will get an email note when revisions are released. Owners can can just check the website, or then download the revised version download the latest version of the eBook, or, if they don't have their eBook reader handy, simply check the author's website for a summary of the new information.

Don't have your eBook reader handy? Use the book's website. Updated versions of the book are always online at and are always free to registered owners.

The website version of the book has cool bonuses:

The latest news about cutting the cable

Online tutorials with step-by-step videos. The online versions who you how instead of just show you how

Online tools for finding your favorite shows and cool things

These twin paths to the information will let you access videos, tutorials and other online tools that may not be compatible with your particular eBook reader.

If you hit a roadblock during your e-reading, just click the links strategically placed throughout the book.

The book explains the complexities, tricks and traps involved in making the decisions about buying cable.